(abs, pdf) Gaikwad et al., Probing the thermal state of the intergalactic medium at $z>5$ with the transmission spikes in high-resolution Ly$\alpha$ forest spectra
(abs, pdf) Forbes et al., Globular Clusters in Coma Cluster Ultra Diffuse Galaxies (UDGs): Evidence for Two Types of UDG?
(abs, pdf) Zheng et al., Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies in Enzo (FOGGIE). III. The Mocky Way: Investigating Biases in Observing the Milky Way's Circumgalactic Medium
(abs, pdf) Lewis et al., Galactic ionising photon budget during the Epoch of Reionisation in the Cosmic Dawn II simulation
(abs, pdf) García & Ryan-Weber, Can UVB variations reconcile simulated quasar absorption lines at high redshift?
(abs, pdf) Liska et al., H-AMR: A New GPU-accelerated GRMHD Code for Exascale Computing With 3D Adaptive Mesh Refinement and Local Adaptive Time-stepping
(abs, pdf) Topping et al., The MOSDEF-LRIS Survey: The Interplay Between Massive … Continue Reading ››