(abs , pdf ) Hayashi et al., Probing Dark Matter Self-interaction with Ultra-faint Dwarf Galaxies
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(abs , pdf ) Schauer et al., The Ultimately Large Telescope -- what kind of facility do we need to detect Population III stars?
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(abs , pdf ) Meng & Gnedin, Evolution of Disc Thickness in High-Redshift Galaxies
(abs , pdf ) Habouzit et al., Supermassive black holes in cosmological simulations I: M_BH-M_star relation and black hole mass function
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(abs , pdf ) Barausse et al., Massive black hole merger rates: the effect of kpc separation wandering and supernova feedback
(abs , pdf ) Buie II et al., Modeling Photoionized Turbulent Material in the Circumgalactic Medium II: Effect of Turbulence within a Stratified Medium
(abs , pdf ) Greig et al., Interpreting LOFAR 21-cm signal upper … Continue Reading ››
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