- (abs, pdf) Bernhard et al., Evidence for a mass-dependent AGN Eddington ratio distribution via the flat relationship between SFR and AGN luminosity
- (abs, pdf) Sakari et al., The r-Process Pattern of a Bright, Highly r-Process-Enhanced, Metal-Poor Halo Star at [Fe/H] ~ -2
- (abs, pdf) Ishigaki et al., The Initial mass function … Continue Reading ››
Yearly Archives: 2018
New Paper: Early massive black hole growth
Today we submitted a paper (arXiv) that follows the growth of a massive black hole seed in the early universe. We found that supernova explosions heat and stir up the gas inside the gas, preventing the central black hole to accrete and grow rapidly. Stars form at rates 10,000 to 100,000 times faster than … Continue Reading ››
24 Jan 2018
- (abs, pdf) Elias et al., Stellar Halos in Illustris- Probing the Histories of Milky Way-Mass Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Latif et al., Early growth of high redshift black holes
- (abs, pdf) Schweizer et al., The Second Nucleus of NGC 7727: Direct Evidence for the Formation and Evolution of an Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxy
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23 Jan 2018
- (abs, pdf) Mao & Ostriker, Galactic disk winds driven by cosmic ray pressure
- (abs, pdf) Pandey & Mangalam, Role of primordial black holes in the direct collapse scenario of supermassive black hole formation at high redshifts
- (abs, pdf) Rujopakarn et al., Cospatial Star Formation and Supermassive Black Hole Growth in $z … Continue Reading ››
22 Jan 2018
- (abs, pdf) Maureira-Fredes et al., Accretion of clumpy cold gas onto massive black holes binaries: the challenging formation of extended circumbinary structures
- (abs, pdf) Fitts et al., No Assembly Required: Mergers are Mostly Irrelevant for the Growth of Low-mass Dwarf Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Doughty et al., Aligned metal absorbers and the … Continue Reading ››
19 Jan 2018
- (abs, pdf) Forbes et al., Globular Cluster Formation and Evolution in the Context of Cosmological Galaxy Assembly: Open Questions
- (abs, pdf) Hogg & Reynolds, The Dynamics of Truncated Black Hole Accretion Disks II: Magnetohydrodynamic Case
- (abs, pdf) Reinoso et al., Collisions in Primordial Star Clusters: Formation Pathway for intermediate mass black … Continue Reading ››