(abs, pdf) Jo & Kim, Machine-assisted Semi-Simulation Model (MSSM): Estimating Galactic Baryonic Properties from their Dark Matter using a Machine Trained on Hydrodynamic Simulations
(abs, pdf) Vito et al., The X-ray properties of $z>6$ quasars: no evident evolution of accretion physics in the first Gyr of the Universe
(abs, pdf) Chruslinska & Nelemans, Metallicity of stars formed throughout the cosmic history based on the observational properties of star forming galaxies
(abs, pdf) Levesque et al., Key Challenges for AAS Journals in the Next Decade
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(abs, pdf) Goulding et al., Discovery of a close-separation binary quasar at the heart of a z~0.2 merging galaxy and its implications for low-frequency gravitational waves
(abs, pdf) Monelli & Trujillo, The TRGB distance to the second galaxy "missing dark matter". Evidence for two groups of galaxies at 13.5 and 19 Mpc … Continue Reading ››