(abs, pdf) Barnes et al., VPLanet: The Virtual Planet Simulator
(abs, pdf) Berg et al., Intense CIV and HeII Emission in z~0 Galaxies
(abs, pdf) Kikuchihara et al., Early Low-Mass Galaxies and Star-Cluster Candidates at z~6-9 Identified by the Gravitational Lensing Technique and Deep Optical/Near-Infrared Imaging
(abs, pdf) Zackrisson et al., Bubble mapping with the Square Kilometer Array - I. Detecting galaxies with Euclid, JWST, WFIRST and ELT within ionized bubbles in the intergalactic medium at z>6
(abs, pdf) Liu et al., DarkHistory: A code package for calculating modified cosmic ionization and thermal histories with dark matter and other exotic energy injections
(abs, pdf) Natarajan et al., Disentangling nature from nurture: tracing the origin of seed black holes