(abs, pdf) Plat et al., Constraints on the production and escape of ionizing radiation from the emission-line spectra of metal-poor star-forming galaxies
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(abs, pdf) Carlsten et al., Wide-Field Survey of Dwarf Satellite Systems Around 10 … Continue Reading ››
(abs, pdf) Chruslinska & Nelemans, Metallicity of stars formed throughout the cosmic history based on the observational properties of star forming galaxies
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(abs, pdf) Baker et al., Space Based Gravitational Wave Astronomy Beyond LISA
(abs, pdf) Wise, An Introductory Review on Cosmic Reionization
(abs, pdf) Ginolfi et al., Scaling relations and baryonic cycling in local star-forming galaxies
(abs, pdf) Rudolph et al., Astro2020: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Astronomy Graduate Education: an Astro2020 APC White Paper by the AAS Taskforce on Diversity and Inclusion in … Continue Reading ››
(abs, pdf) Wu et al., Imprints of temperature fluctuations on the $z\sim5$ Lyman-$\alpha$ forest: a view from radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of reionization
(abs, pdf) Trujillo-Gomez et al., A model for the minimum mass of bound stellar clusters and its dependence on the galactic environment