(abs, pdf) Katz et al., Introducing SPHINX-MHD: The Impact of Primordial Magnetic Fields on the First Galaxies, Reionization, and the Global 21cm Signal
(abs, pdf) Chen & Gnedin, Recovering Density Fields inside Quasar Proximity Zones at $z\sim 6$
(abs, pdf) Herrera-Camus et al., A kiloparsec view of a typical star-forming galaxy when the Universe was ~1 Gyr old. Part I. Outflow, halo, and interstellar medium properties
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(abs, pdf) McKenzie & Bekki, Simulations of globular clusters within their parent galaxies: multiple stellar populations and internal kinematics
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(abs, pdf) Izumi et al., Subaru High-z Exploration of Low-Luminosity Quasars (SHELLQs) XII. Extended [C II] Structure (Merger or Outflow) in a z = 6.72 Red Quasar