Matlab Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT) vs. Jacket
PCT allows for multi-cpu and GPU computing. Limited to 12 cores on the local machine. Very high level.
GPU computing with PCT requires an nVidia card with v1.3 compute capabilities. GPGPU with Jacket has relaxed requirements but is very expensive ($4k for 5 … Continue Reading ››
Michael Nielsen
Yesterday I attended a discussion with Michael Nielsen and the GT faculty, where open science was the subject. We covered various venues for promoting collaborative science projects. Some were completely new to me. Let's cover a few examples that were discussed.
Magnetars exhibit regular gamma-ray flares that are preceded by star quakes or glitches in the pulsations. The largest flares have L ~ 10^47 erg/s (3 since 1979).
No natural explanation for (1) sudden stop of activity P ~ 12 sec and (2) AXP-SNR association but no SGR-SNR association
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the field of computational and theoretical cosmology at the Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) in the Georgia Institute of Technology. The successful candidate will work in conjunction with Dr. John Wise. The position is for 2 years with a possible extension to 3 years, depending on funding … Continue Reading ››
AMD just announced that their 16-core Opteron "Interlagos" processors are now in production. First they will be shipped to retailers for testing in their platform, and then later in Q4 they will be available to the public. This is great news for the group because our new 512-core cluster will be based on the Interlagos … Continue Reading ››
The yt team has released version 2.2. The major addition to this release is the GUI Reason that uses web browsers as a platform to interact with your local or remote data. For information, read their announcement!
Let's start out the news feed with something big. A fantastic rendering of one of our simulations made the July 30th cover of Science News! The associated article does an excellent job in describing the current state of the field. This beautiful visualization was … Continue Reading ››
After building and hosting this website's skeleton on my personal desktop for the last two months, I've migrated the site and its database to the Georgia Tech's web servers. In addition, I snagged the subdomain This will be our virtual home now.