(abs , pdf ) Deb et al., Numerical Simulation of Vertical Oscillations in an Axisymmetric Thick Accretion Flow around a Black Hole
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(abs , pdf ) Bernard et al., Galaxy candidates at z ~ 10 in archival data from the Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies (BoRG[z8]) survey
(abs , pdf ) Bernardi et al., Bayesian constraints on the global 21-cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn
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(abs , pdf ) Marsan et al., A spectroscopic follow-up program of very massive galaxies at 3<z<4: confirmation of spectroscopic redshifts, and a high fraction of powerful AGN
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(abs , pdf ) Curtis & Sijacki, Resolving flows around black holes: the impact of gas angular momentum
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(abs , pdf ) Bosch, Unification of the Fundamental Plane and Super-Massive Black Holes Masses
(abs , pdf ) Dickey et al., The Relation Between [OIII]/H$\beta$ and Specific Star Formation Rate in Galaxies at $z \sim 2$
(abs , pdf ) Stark et al., Lyman-alpha … Continue Reading ››
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