(abs, pdf) Tacchella et al., A redshift-independent efficiency model: star formation and stellar masses in dark matter halos at z>4
(abs, pdf) Tamura et al., Detection of the Far-infrared [O III] and Dust Emission in a Galaxy at Redshift 8.312: Early Metal Enrichment in the Heart of the Reionization Era
(abs, pdf) Matthee et al., Confirmation of double peaked Lyman-alpha emission at z=6.593: Witnessing a galaxy directly contributing to the reionisation of the Universe
(abs, pdf) Grimmett et al., Nucleosynthesis in Primordial Hypernovae
(abs, pdf) Kruijssen et al., An uncertainty principle for star formation - II. A new method for characterising the cloud-scale physics of star formation and feedback across cosmic history
(abs, pdf) Faucher-Giguere, Recent progress in simulating galaxy formation from the largest to the smallest scales