Category Archives: astro-ph
Here are the papers from astro-ph that I find interesting. I tend to update daily, so if there is a day missing, I probably didn’t find any papers relevant to our group.
01 Feb 2013
31 Jan 2013
30 Jan 2013
- (abs, pdf) Fernandez & Zaroubi, The End of an Era - The Population III to Population II Transition and the Near Infrared Background
- (abs, pdf) Sobacchi & Mesinger, How does radiative feedback from a UV background impact reionization?
- (abs, pdf) Sobacchi & Mesinger, The depletion of gas in high-redshift dwarf galaxies … Continue Reading ››
29 Jan 2013
25 Jan 2013
24 Jan 2013
23 Jan 2013
- (abs, pdf) Moller et al., Mass-metallicity relation from z=5 to the present: Mass-metallicity relation from z=5 to the present: Evidence for a transition in the mode of galaxy growth at z=2.6 due to the end of sustained primordial gas infall
- (abs, pdf) Jaacks et al., Impact of H_2-based star formation model on … Continue Reading ››