Monthly Archives: September 2017
28 Sept 2017
- (abs, pdf) Tumlinson et al., The Circumgalactic Medium
- (abs, pdf) Ricci et al., The close environments of accreting massive black holes are shaped by radiative feedback
- (abs, pdf) The LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al., GW170814: A three-detector observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole coalescence
27 Sept 2017
- (abs, pdf) Costa et al., Quenching star formation with quasar outflows launched by trapped IR radiation
- (abs, pdf) Penoyre & Haiman, A Drop in the Pond: The Effect of Rapid Mass Loss on the Dynamics and Interaction Rate of Collisionless Particles
- (abs, pdf) Mitchell et al., Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic … Continue Reading ››
26 Sept 2017
25 Sept 2017
- (abs, pdf) Inayoshi et al., Low density, radiatively inefficient rotating-accretion flow onto a black hole
- (abs, pdf) Tsang & Milosavljevic, Radiation pressure in super star cluster formation
- (abs, pdf) Oppenheimer et al., The multiphase circumgalactic medium traced by low metal ions in EAGLE zoom simulations
22 Sept 2017
21 Sept 2017
20 Sept 2017
19 Sept 2017
- (abs, pdf) Pfrommer et al., Simulating Gamma-ray Emission in Star-forming Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Gray et al., Effect of Angular Momentum Alignment and Strong Magnetic Fields on the Formation of Protostellar Disks
- (abs, pdf) Mason et al., The Universe is Reionizing at z~7: Bayesian Inference of the IGM Neutral Fraction Using Ly$\alpha$ … Continue Reading ››
New Paper: Population III observational signatures in the First Galaxies?
Earlier this week, we submitted a new paper (arXiv), led by Kirk Barrow, on possible Population III observational signatures in the first galaxies, working off the Renaissance Simulations. While most metal-free stars might be tens of solar masses, intermediate-mass stars (1-8 solar masses) are still possible. Alone, they wouldn't contribute significantly to the … Continue Reading ››