Yearly Archives: 2014
30 Apr 2014
- (abs, pdf) Weisz et al., The Star Formation Histories of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies I. Hubble Space Telescope / Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 Observations
- (abs, pdf) Natarajan & Yoshida, The Dark Ages of the Universe and Hydrogen Reionization
- (abs, pdf) Katz et al., Summary of the First Workshop on Sustainable … Continue Reading ››
New paper: Heating the IGM from Pop III Binaries
We have submitted a new paper to the Astrophysical Journal that focuses on the effects of massive metal-free stellar binaries in the early universe. This is the second paper that uses the "Rarepeak" simulation that consumed over 10 million core-hours to reach a redshift of 15 (280 million years after the Big Bang), following more than 10,000 … Continue Reading ››
29 Apr 2014
28 Apr 2014
25 Apr 2014
- (abs, pdf) Breddels & Helmi, Complexity on dwarf galaxies scale: A bimodal distribution function in Sculptor
- (abs, pdf) Zonoozi et al., Direct N-body simulations of globular clusters - II. Palomar 4
- (abs, pdf) Konno et al., Accelerated Evolution of Lyα Luminosity Function at z > 7 Revealed by the Subaru Ultra-Deep … Continue Reading ››
24 Apr 2014
22-23 Apr 2014
- (abs, pdf) Munoz-Tunon et al., Star Formation in Tadpole Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Behroozi & Silk, A Simple Technique for Predicting High-Redshift Galaxy Evolution
- (abs, pdf) Greif, Multi-frequency radiation hydrodynamics simulations of H2 line emission in primordial, star-forming clouds
- (abs, pdf) Garrison-Kimmel et al., Too Big to Fail in the Local … Continue Reading ››