Atlanta Science Festival

Today marks the beginning of the first Atlanta Science Festival, a week-long celebration of science and technology with dozens of activities happening around metro Atlanta. Members from the CRA will be leading a few events in the next week.

  • Tech Talks (Monday, March 24, 2014 – 6:30pm to 8:00pm; Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business Rm. 100): Atlanta science’s version of TedTalks with a competitive edge! Local science students battle one another through sharing short talks that communicate their research to public audiences.
  • Galaxy Collider: Come see the merger of galaxies unfold before your eyes! Throw galaxies at others and see them collide!
  • Spark Chamber: Did you know that there are tiny particles zipping through you all of the time at nearly the speed of light? Use our device to detect these particles and see the paths that they take.

The last two events will be a part of the Exploration Expo at Centennial Olympic Park on Saturday, March 29th, 11-4. Most of my group will be at the Galaxy Collider.  Come and join the fun!

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