- (abs, pdf) Miller et al., The Dwarfs Beyond: The Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation for a New Sample of Intermediate Redshift Low Mass Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Bate et al., Collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities: stellar core and outflow formation in radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations
Yearly Archives: 2013
04 Oct 2013
- (abs, pdf) Kirby et al., The Universal Stellar Mass-Stellar Metallicity Relation for Dwarf Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Kocsis & Loeb, Menus for Feeding Black Holes
- (abs, pdf) Brown et al., The Formation History of the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Pujol et al., Subhaloes gone Notts: the clustering properties of subhaloes
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03 Oct 2013
02 Oct 2013
- (abs, pdf) Sitwell et al., The Imprint of Warm Dark Matter on the Cosmological 21-cm Signal
- (abs, pdf) McQuinn et al., ALFALFA Discovery of the Nearby Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxy Leo P. IV. Distance Measurement from LBT Optical Imaging
- (abs, pdf) Prochaska et al., Towards a Unified Description of the Intergalactic Medium … Continue Reading ››
01 October 2013
Feature article in The Tower

30 Sept 2013
27 Sept 2013
26 Sept 2013
25 Sept 2013
- (abs, pdf) Ford et al., Tracing Inflows and Outflows with Absorption Lines in Circumgalactic Gas
- (abs, pdf) Amorisco et al., Dark matter cores in the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf galaxies: joining halo assembly and detailed star formation histories
- (abs, pdf) Hidalgo et al., The ACS LCID project. IX. Imprints of the … Continue Reading ››