- (abs, pdf) Miller et al., The Dwarfs Beyond: The Stellar-to-Halo Mass Relation for a New Sample of Intermediate Redshift Low Mass Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Bate et al., Collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities: stellar core and outflow formation in radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations
Yearly Archives: 2013
04 Oct 2013
- (abs, pdf) Kirby et al., The Universal Stellar Mass-Stellar Metallicity Relation for Dwarf Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Kocsis & Loeb, Menus for Feeding Black Holes
- (abs, pdf) Brown et al., The Formation History of the Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Pujol et al., Subhaloes gone Notts: the clustering properties of subhaloes
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03 Oct 2013
02 Oct 2013
- (abs, pdf) Sitwell et al., The Imprint of Warm Dark Matter on the Cosmological 21-cm Signal
- (abs, pdf) McQuinn et al., ALFALFA Discovery of the Nearby Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxy Leo P. IV. Distance Measurement from LBT Optical Imaging
- (abs, pdf) Prochaska et al., Towards a Unified Description of the Intergalactic Medium … Continue Reading ››
01 October 2013
Feature article in The Tower
Martin Halicek, one of my former undergraduate researchers, submitted an article to the Georgia Tech undergraduate research journal on his work on calculating the difference of magnetic fields and radiation pressure on the formation of dwarf galaxies. It was chosen to be the … Continue Reading ››
30 Sept 2013
27 Sept 2013
26 Sept 2013
25 Sept 2013
- (abs, pdf) Ford et al., Tracing Inflows and Outflows with Absorption Lines in Circumgalactic Gas
- (abs, pdf) Amorisco et al., Dark matter cores in the Fornax and Sculptor dwarf galaxies: joining halo assembly and detailed star formation histories
- (abs, pdf) Hidalgo et al., The ACS LCID project. IX. Imprints of the … Continue Reading ››