(abs, pdf) Ng et al., Offsets between member galaxies and dark matter in clusters: a test with the Illustris simulation
(abs, pdf) Turner et al., A comparison of observed and simulated absorption from HI, CIV, and SiIV around $z\approx2$ star-forming galaxies suggests redshift-space distortions are due to inflows
(abs, pdf) Biernacki et al., On the Dynamics of Supermassive Black Holes in Gas-Rich, Star-Forming Galaxies: the Case for Nuclear Star Cluster Coevolution
(abs, pdf) Bagley et al., A High Space Density of Luminous Lyman Alpha Emitters at z~6.5
(abs, pdf) Yamamoto & Makino, A Formulation of Consistent Particle Hydrodynamics in … Continue Reading ››