(abs, pdf) Zackrisson et al., The spectral evolution of the first galaxies. II. Spectral signatures of Lyman continuum leakage from galaxies in the reionization epoch
(abs, pdf) Narayanan, Star Formation in High-Redshift Starburst Galaxies
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(abs, pdf) Vera-Ciro & Helmi, Constraints on the shape of the Milky Way dark matter halo from the Sagittarius stream
(abs, pdf) Weber et al., Three-Dimensional Modelling of Ionized Gas. I. Did very massive stars of different metallicities drive the … Continue Reading ››
(abs, pdf) Pfrommer, Toward a comprehensive model for feedback by active galactic nuclei: new insights from M87 observations by LOFAR, Fermi and H.E.S.S
(abs, pdf) Fu et al., Star Formation and Metallicity Gradients in Semi-analytic Models of Disk Galaxy Formation
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