(abs , pdf ) Price et al., Testing the Recovery of Intrinsic Galaxy Sizes and Masses of z~2 Massive Galaxies Using Cosmological Simulations
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(abs , pdf ) Pezzulli et al., The sustainable growth of the first black holes
(abs , pdf ) Ma et al., Simulating galaxies in the reionization era with FIRE-2: galaxy scaling relations, stellar mass functions, and luminosity functions
(abs , pdf ) Bekki et al., The origin of discrete multiple stellar populations in globular clusters
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(abs , pdf ) Lamers et al., The difference in metallicity distribution functions of halo stars and globular clusters as a function of galaxy type: A tracer of globular cluster formation and evolution
(abs , pdf ) Garcia et al., Simulated metal and HI absorption lines at the conclusion of Reionization
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(abs , pdf ) Duffy et al., Dark-ages reionization & galaxy formation simulation IX: Economics of Reionizing Galaxies
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(abs , pdf ) Moster et al., EMERGE - An empirical model for the formation of galaxies since $z\sim10$
(abs , pdf ) Takeo et al., Rapid growth of black holes accompanied with hot or warm outflows exposed to anisotropic super-Eddington radiation
(abs , pdf ) Hassan et al., Constraining the contribution of active galactic nuclei to … Continue Reading ››
(abs , pdf ) Kern et al., Emulating Simulations of Cosmic Dawn for 21cm Power Spectrum Constraints on Cosmology, Reionization, and X-ray Heating
(abs , pdf ) McQuinn et al., Galactic Outflows, Star Formation Histories, and Timescales in Starburst Dwarf Galaxies from STARBIRDS
(abs , pdf ) Shapiro, Black holes, disks and jets following binary mergers and … Continue Reading ››
(abs , pdf ) Contreras et al., Angular momentum evolution in Dark Matter haloes: a study of the Bolshoi and Millennium simulations
(abs , pdf ) Greig & Mesinger, Simultaneously constraining the astrophysics of reionisation and the epoch of heating with 21CMMC
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(abs , pdf ) Chen et al., Fully Coupled Simulation of Cosmic Reionization. III. Stochastic Early Reionization by the Smallest Galaxies
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(abs , pdf ) Parsa et al., No evidence for a significant AGN contribution to cosmic hydrogen reionization
(abs , pdf ) Rieder & Teyssier, A small-scale dynamo in feedback-dominated galaxies - II. The saturation phase and the final magnetic configuration
(abs , pdf ) Puschnig et al., The Lyman Continuum Escape and ISM properties in Tololo 1247-232 - New Insights from HST and VLA
(abs , pdf ) Mould et al., Detection of a … Continue Reading ››
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