- (abs, pdf) Rizzo et al., Dynamical properties of z $\sim 4.5$ dusty star-forming galaxies and their connection with local early type galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Neeleman et al., The Kinematics of z ~ 6 Quasar Host Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Quataert et al., The Physics of Galactic Winds Driven by Cosmic Rays I: … Continue Reading ››
Category Archives: astro-ph
Here are the papers from astro-ph that I find interesting. I tend to update daily, so if there is a day missing, I probably didn’t find any papers relevant to our group.
11 Feb 2021
- (abs, pdf) Chan et al., Narrowing the mass range of Fuzzy Dark Matter with Ultra-faint Dwarfs
- (abs, pdf) Dawson et al., A self-supervised, physics-aware, Bayesian neural network architecture for modelling galaxy emission-line kinematics
- (abs, pdf) Baxter et al., A Machine Learning Approach to Measuring the Quenched Fraction of Low-Mass Satellites Beyond … Continue Reading ››
10 Feb 2021
09 Feb 2021
- (abs, pdf) Ruiz et al., Multimessenger Binary Mergers Containing Neutron Stars: Gravitational Waves, Jets, and $\boldsymbol{\gamma}$-Ray Bursts
- (abs, pdf) Tarumi et al., Evidence for r-process delay in very metal-poor stars
- (abs, pdf) Santistevan et al., The origin of metal-poor stars on prograde disk orbits in FIRE simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies
- (Continue Reading ››
08 Feb 2021
05 Feb 2021
- (abs, pdf) Su et al., Which AGN Jets Quench Star Formation in Massive Galaxies?
- (abs, pdf) Jiang, An Implicit Finite Volume Scheme to Solve the Time Dependent Radiation Transport Equation Based on Discrete Ordinates
- (abs, pdf) Giammaria et al., The formation history of the Milky Way disc with high-resolution cosmological simulations
04 Feb 2021
- (abs, pdf) Lane et al., The Cosmological Trajectories Method: Modelling cosmic structure formation in the non-linear regime
- (abs, pdf) Hauschildt & Baron, A 3D radiative transfer framework: XII. Many-core, vector and GPU methods
- (abs, pdf) Dykes et al., 3D Modelling and Visualisation of Observed Galaxies
03 Feb 2021
02 Feb 2021
- (abs, pdf) Hunter et al., A Search for correlations between turbulence and star formation in LITTLE THINGS dwarf irregular galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Voit, A Graphical Interpretation of Circumgalactic Precipitation
- (abs, pdf) Gull et al., R-process-rich stellar streams in the Milky Way
- (abs, pdf) Munoz et al., Exploring the Origin of … Continue Reading ››
01 Feb 2021
- (abs, pdf) Engler et al., The abundance of satellites around Milky Way- and M31-like galaxies with the TNG50 simulation: a matter of diversity
- (abs, pdf) Remus & Forbes, Accreted or Not Accreted? The Fraction of Accreted Mass in Galaxies from Simulations and Observations
- (abs, pdf) Popping et al., The dust-continuum size … Continue Reading ››