Category Archives: astro-ph
Here are the papers from astro-ph that I find interesting. I tend to update daily, so if there is a day missing, I probably didn’t find any papers relevant to our group.
28 Mar 2013
27 Mar 2013
26 Mar 2013
25 Mar 2013
- (abs, pdf) Pfrommer, Toward a comprehensive model for feedback by active galactic nuclei: new insights from M87 observations by LOFAR, Fermi and H.E.S.S
- (abs, pdf) Fu et al., Star Formation and Metallicity Gradients in Semi-analytic Models of Disk Galaxy Formation
- (abs, pdf) Jensen et al., Probing reionization with LOFAR using 21-cm … Continue Reading ››
22 Mar 2013
- (abs, pdf) Chan et al., GRay: a Massively Parallel GPU-Based Code for Ray Tracing in Relativistic Spacetimes
- (abs, pdf) Lilly et al., Gas-regulation of galaxies: the evolution of the cosmic sSFR, the metallicity-mass-SFR relation and the stellar content of haloes
- (abs, pdf) Anglés-Alcázar et al., Black Hole-Galaxy Correlations without Self-Regulation
- (abs, pdf) … Continue Reading ››
21 Mar 2013
- (abs, pdf) Verdolini et al., Line Emission from Radiation-Pressurized HII Region II: Dynamics and Population Synthesis
- (abs, pdf) Yeh et al., Line Emission from Radiation-Pressurized HII Regions I: Internal Structure and Line Ratios
- (abs, pdf) Micic et al., Cloud formation in colliding flows: influence of the choice of cooling function
- (abs, … Continue Reading ››