Yearly Archives: 2015
07 Jul 2015
- (abs, pdf) Mashian et al., An Empirical Model for the Galaxy Luminosity and Star-Formation Rate Function at High Redshift
- (abs, pdf) Booth et al., Smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of gas and dust mixtures
- (abs, pdf) Karl et al., Dynamical evolution of massive black holes in galactic-scale N-body simulations - introducing the … Continue Reading ››
06 Jul 2015
03 Jul 2015
- (abs, pdf) Vallini et al., On the [CII]-SFR relation in high redshift galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Olsen et al., Simulator of Galaxy Millimeter/Submillimeter Emission (SIGAME): The [CII]-SFR Relationship of Massive z=2 Main Sequence Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Jaacks et al., Connecting the Dots: Tracking Galaxy Evolution Using Constant Cumulative Number Density at 3<z<7
01 Jul 2015
- (abs, pdf) Richings & Schaye, The effects of metallicity, UV radiation and non-equilibrium chemistry in high-resolution simulations of galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Comaschi & Ferrara, Probing high-redshift galaxies with Ly$\alpha$ intensity mapping
- (abs, pdf) Taylor & Kobayashi, Quantifying AGN-Driven Metal-Enhanced Outflows in Chemodynamical Simulations
Solar Superstorms Show
Over the past six months, I've been working with people at NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications) and Thomas Lucas Productions to produce a 2-minute segment for their upcoming planetarium show, Solar Superstorms. They visualized one of my simulations of the first galaxies and another of a supernova from a first star with yt. … Continue Reading ››
TEDx Talk Posted!
Earlier this year, I was privileged enough to be chosen to give a TEDx talk at Douglasville, just to the west of Atlanta. There I spoke about how we and others model galaxies on supercomputers, understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies that we observe with some of the best telescopes on Earth and in … Continue Reading ››
30 Jun 2015
- (abs, pdf) Mostardi et al., A High-Resolution Hubble Space Telescope Study of Lyman Continuum Leakers at $z\sim3$
- (abs, pdf) Trainor et al., The Spectroscopic Properties of Ly{\alpha}-Emitters at z $\approx$ 2.7: Escaping Gas and Photons from Faint Galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Jablonka et al., The early days of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal … Continue Reading ››