Yearly Archives: 2014
15 May 2014
- (abs, pdf) Weisz et al., The Star Formation Histories of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies II. Searching For Signatures of Reionization
- (abs, pdf) Richard et al., Mass and magnification maps for the Hubble Space Telescope Frontier Fields clusters: implications for high redshift studies
- (abs, pdf) Yue et al., Ultra-faint high-redshift galaxies in … Continue Reading ››
13-14 May 2014
- (abs, pdf) Michałowski et al., Determining the stellar masses of submillimetre galaxies: the critical importance of star formation histories
- (abs, pdf) Verbeke et al., Gaseous infall triggering starbursts in simulated dwarf galaxies
- (abs, pdf) Keller et al., A Superbubble Feedback Model for Galaxy Simulations
- (abs, pdf) Vogelsberger et al., Introducing … Continue Reading ››
New Paper: 21cm Signal from the First Galaxies
In a companion paper to our X-ray binary paper, we calculated the expected 21-cm signal (Wikipedia) from a strongly clustered group of galaxies at redshift 15 when the universe was only 300 Myr old. Here we make predictions for the SKA radio observatory, which could possibly probe the heating and ionization … Continue Reading ››
12 May 2014
- (abs, pdf) Mieske et al., How tidal erosion has shaped the relation between globular cluster specific frequency and galaxy luminosity
- (abs, pdf) Johnson et al., The impact of reionization on the formation of supermassive black hole seeds
- (abs, pdf) Ahn et al., Spatially Extended 21 cm Signal from Strongly Clustered UV … Continue Reading ››
08 May 2014
07 May 2014
06 May 2014
- (abs, pdf) Cen, Evolution of Cold Streams and Emergence of the Hubble Sequence
- (abs, pdf) Martizzi et al., Brightest Cluster Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations with Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Successes and Failures
- (abs, pdf) Cen et al., Gas Loss in Simulated Galaxies as They Fall into Clusters
- (abs, pdf) Kimm & … Continue Reading ››
05 May 2014
- (abs, pdf) Reines et al., A Candidate Massive Black Hole in the Low-metallicity Dwarf Galaxy Pair Mrk 709
- (abs, pdf) Metuki et al., A study of galaxy properties and the cosmic web
- (abs, pdf) Peñarrubia et al., A dynamical model of the local cosmic expansion
- (abs, pdf) Tomassetti et al., … Continue Reading ››