
NOTE (August 2024): My research group is full. I will not be accepting any new undergraduate researchers in the 2024-25 academic year. I will not be accepting any new graduate students for the next few years, unless independently funded, like the NSF GRFP.

Taken Nov 2022. Left to right: Sethuram, Mone, McCrary, Alic, Skinner, Brummel-Smith, Wise, Truong, Xia, Montgomery, Srivastava, Taori

John Wise

Principal Investigator

Corey Brummel-Smith
Graduate Student

Snigdaa Sethuram
Graduate Student

Bin Xia
Graduate Student

Samantha Hardin
Graduate Student

Caroline Nagib
Graduate Student

Brandon Pries
Graduate Student

Elizabeth Mone
Undergrad Student

Vanessa Montgomery
Undergrad Student

Rasmit Devkota
Undergrad Student

Emily Troutman
Undergrad Student
Last updated: August 2024

Alumni (reverse chronological order)

Taken Nov 2019. Left to right: Ferrans, Sethuram, Skinner, Brummel-Smith, Wise, Repasky, Hairston, Park
Group in August 2015. L-R: Shi, Koh, Barrow, Gilbert, Aykutalp, Wise, Cunningham, Nelson, Ge. Photo taken by postdoc Claudia Lazzaro on her last day at the CRA!
Group in Aug 2015. L-R: Shi, Koh, Barrow, Gilbert, Aykutalp, Wise, Cunningham, Nelson, Ge.  Inset: Park.
Taken Aug 2015. L-R: Wise, Shi, Barrow, Aykutalp, Ge, Gilbert, Koh, Cunningham, Nelson. Inset: Park. Taken by postdoc Claudia Lazarro on her last day at the CRA!
Group in Aug 2015. L-R: Wise, Shi, Barrow, Aykutalp, Ge, Gilbert, Koh, Cunningham, Nelson. Inset: Park. Photos taken by postdoc Claudia Lazarro on her last day at the CRA!
Group in June 2013. Left to right: Shi, Koh, O’Harrow, Altay, Barrow, Wise. Photo taken by Daisuke Yamasawa, Visiting Postdoc in Summer 2013.

Research Scientists

  • KwangHo Park (Postdoc and Research Scientist, 2015-2022). Initial position: Research Technologist at Georgia Tech

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Gen Chiaki (JSPS Fellow, 2017-2021). Initial position: assistant professor at Tohoku University
  • Yuya Sakurai (JSPS Fellow, 2018-2020). Initial position: postdoc at IPMU
  • Aycin Aykutalp (Postdoc, 2014-2017). Initial position: postdoc at LLNL
  • Gabriel Altay (Postdoc, 2012-2014). Initial position: Narrative Science in Chicago, IL
  • Daisuke Yamasawa (Visiting Postdoc, 2013)

Graduate Students

  • Danielle Skinner (Ph.D. 2023). Initial position: lecturer at Oregon State University
  • Sandrine Ferrans (M.S. 2023)
  • Kirk Barrow (Ph.D. 2018). Initial position: postdoc at Stanford University
  • Qi Ge (Ph.D. 2018) Initial position: software engineer at JingChi
  • Daegene Koh (Ph.D. 2017). Initial position: postdoc at Stanford University / KIPAC
  • Chao Shi (Ph.D. 2017). Initial position: software engineer at Pindrop
  • Joesph O’Harrow (M.S. 2013). Initial position: M.S. Computer Science student at University of Chicago

Undergraduate Students

  • Angelina Zhang (Spring 2024)
  • Benjamin Sherwin (REU 2023)
  • Josh Brandt (Spring 2023)
  • Vincent Horvath (Fall 2022 – Spring 2024; CS B.S. 2024)
  • Annie Truong (Fall 2021 – Spring 2023; B.S. 2023)
  • Rohan Srivastava (Fall 2021 – Spring 2023; B.S. 2023)
  • Tien Nguyen (REU 2021; 2021-2023)
  • Khushi Taori (Fall 2020 – Spring 2023; B.S. 2023)
  • Katarine Klitkze (Fall 2020 – Spring 2022; CS B.S. 2022)
  • Alan Kohler (Fall 2020 – Spring 2022; B.S. 2022)
  • Matt Repasky (Fall 2019 – Spring 2021; B.S. 2021)
  • Jalen Hairston (Summer 2019 – Spring 2021; B.S. 2021)
  • Yorick Andeweg (Physics; Fall 2019)
  • Toh Yi Han (Exchange student from NTU, Singapore; Fall 2019)
  • Jai Chauhan (ECE B.S. 2019)
  • Douglas Stewart (Physics B.S. 2019)
  • Talha Irfan (Physics B.S. 2019). RIP
  • CJ Llorente (Physics B.S. 2019)
  • Amy Ralston (REU Physics 2017)
  • Kevin Choi (B.S. 2017)
  • Davis Nelson (B.S. 2017)
  • Austin Gilbert (2015-2016, B.S. expected 2018). Accepted into Ph.D. program at Michigan State.
  • Jamsheed Cooper (BMed B.S. 2016). Currently an intern in the office of Sen. Baldwin (D-WI)
  • Collin Cunningham (Applied Math B.S. 2016)
  • John Bollenbacher (Aug-Dec 2014). Currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Indiana
  • Vasiliy Demchenko (B.S. 2013, Senior thesis advisor). M.S. Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh (2015). Currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Edinburgh
  • Martin Halicek (Jan-Dec 2012, Undergraduate researcher).  Currently a MD/PhD student at Emory University
  • Akshaya Suresh (Summer 2012 intern; Yale undergraduate)
  • Erin Caldwell (Jan-May 2012, Undergraduate researcher)

Primary Collaborators